Next Generation of Cloud Computing: Edge Computing and Apache Edgent

Joseph Kuo

Technical Consultant

十五歲獲贈被淘汰的 386 電腦,沒有硬碟和光碟機而無法玩大補帖,只好改玩程式設計,從此走上這條不歸路。高中時不小心用 BASIC 寫了行事曆系統,大學唸數學副修資工時玩 C/C++/Java,弄了 BBS、討論區、部落格、電子商務平台、進銷存系統和一堆小程式,也順手用 LPC 語言寫 MUD。出社會擔任過講師教導各式電腦相關課程,曾在加值簡訊服務商、遊戲雲端平台公司、全球電子商務網站公司、資安防護公司、以及社群趨勢分析公司中工作,負責程式撰寫、網站開發、軟體設計、架構規劃、技術教學,並參與過各式大型專案規劃與開發。專長是 Java 語言、軟體工程及架構、Design Pattern、Spring/Hibernate、Cloud Computing、Open Source 及各式相關技術。狂熱地喜愛把玩各種新知技術,願望是能一輩子寫程式寫到老。

Cloud computing has been developed more than one decade and still keeps growing and growing. At the present time when we enjoy the huge benefits it brings to us, we are also aware of its deficiency that we have to enhance, especially for applications running against IoT. This session is to present the next generation of cloud computing: Edge Computing. We will introduce you what Edge Computing is, why we need it, and how it works with current cloud computing services. Furthermore, when we get involved into edge computing, we need a tool to help us to analysis real-time and continuous data streams generated by devices, equipment and systems on IoT. Therefore we will also present Apache Edgent, a programming model and micro-kernel style runtime, and show you how it works in conjunction with centralized analytic systems and provides efficient and timely analytics across the whole IoT ecosystem.

1. 本場次為中文