MySQL Sales Consulting Senior Manager
Ryusuke Kajiyama(梶山隆輔) is Open Source Specialist with 10+ years of
experience of systems design using MySQL and open source solutions. He
originally joined MySQL AB, and is currently managing MySQL Sales
Consultant team of Asia Pacific region at Oracle.
Starting with MySQL 5.7 a new Document Store feature has been
introduced that makes working with JSON documents an integral part of
the MySQL experience. The new X DevAPI gives MySQL users the best of
both worlds - SQL and NoSQL - and allows an entirely new category of use
cases for managing data. It is constantly evolving based on the
community feedback. This session gives a broad, high level introduction
as to what the Document Store is about, JDBC driver implementing X
DevAPI, the latest developments, what you can do with it, why you'd want
to and how.
1. 本場次為英文