Start developing Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud

Shin Tanimoto (谷本 心)

Senior Solution Architect

Shin Tanimoto works as an architect and a troubleshooter at Acroquest Technology Co., LTD.
He is a board member of JJUG (Japan Java User Group).
He speaks at some conferences such as SpringOne 2016, JavaOne 2015, Java Day Tokyo 2015 etc.
His current interests are visualizations and microservice architectures.

When you start developing Microservices in Java, Spring Boot and Spring Cloud should be on the top of the list of application frameworks. This session illustrates the way to start Spring Boot / Cloud development and key ideas of developing Microservice architectures such as service discovery, asynchronous processing, log collections, and so on. Let's start developing your own Microservices.

1. 本場次為英文