Universal Scala

Walter Chang

Architecture Consultant

張瑋修 (Walter Chang) is a long time Java/Scala developer. He specializes in architectures of the web, both in the browser and the cloud. In his spare time, he likes to explore new things and find out what makes them tick.

Do you want to write your single-page web application in one language on both browser and server? Do you want to share code between browser and server but aren't able to? Does the idea of using one language on both browser and server means running your server app on Javascript engine scare you? Come to this talk to find out how you can accomplish all of the above without fear and use one of the up-and-coming languages on the JVM to do it. Scala is a language that runs on the JVM and bridges the gap between object-oriented and functional ways of programming. Scala.js is a new compiler backend for Scala that compiles ordinary Scala code to javascript so you can run it on the browser.

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