GitBucket: Open source self-hosting Git server on JVM

Naoki Takezoe

Software Engineer

Software Engineer at Arm Treasure Data. I'm Scala enthusiast and gunner. Scalatra and Apache PredictionIO committer, co-translator of Japanese edition of "Scala Puzzlers" and the creator of GitBucket.

GitBucket ( is an open source self-hosting Git server written in Scala with super easy setup and flexible plugin system. GitBucket got more than 7000 stars on GitHub and has a large user base all over the world.

GitBucket is written in Scala, but it also exploits a lot of existing Java assets like JGit, Apache MINA, H2 etc. Since It's built on the top of pure JVM technologies totally, it needs nothing other than JVM installation to run.

In this talk, I would like to introduce GitBucket itselfs and the technology inside of GitBucket, in particular, how we take advantage of the combination of Scala and these Java assets.

1. 本場次為English